Franklin County, Tennessee BLACK n Blue, and BLACK n Gray Civil War Project

The United States Colored Troops (USCT) were regiments in the United States Army, which consisted mainly of African American soldiers. Colored troops from Franklin County, Tennessee, were in various regiments throughout the Country; they were runaway slaves, Free men of Color, and enslaved people enlisted by their enslavers.

Franklin County, Tennessee,  has a history of having an all-black (USCT) training camp where the 12th Infantry trained and enlisted other (USCI) soldiers from Tennessee, Alabama, and surrounding areas.

The Black Confederate soldiers of Franklin County, TN, were comprised of enslaved Africans and Free Men of Color. They were classified as musicians, body servants, cooks, laborers, and hospital stewards in Peter Turney 1st Infantry and other infantries throughout the County.

You can find information about Franklin County, Tennessee, Black n Blue, and Black n Gray Civil War History in our book in our store below. Pictures and other information not in our book can be found in our BLOG, located below.

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picture source: courtesy, of the National Archives